Onpage and Offpage Seo Difference Guide

Difference Between Seo Onpage and Offpage - In the process of developing a blog, this SEO technique is very much needed, many are still debating whether this SEO is important for the development period of the blog and there is no bright spot. Many blogs - big blogs that use SEO techniques to popularize their blogs in the eyes of the Google search engine to fight for Taiwan (Page One). Before going to the topic, do you know what SEO is (Search Engine Optimization) 
Onpage and Offpage Seo Difference Guide

SEO is a way to increase blog traffic on search engines, for the complete I have made in previous posts. 

The Difference Between Seo Onpage and Offpage

Have you ever heard the terms Seo Onpage and Seo off-page? yep, Seo consists of 2 parts, namely On-page and Offpage, many blogs are still in the process of developing using this SEO technique for online businesses as well as just increasing traffic, this SEO technique is still a free way to increase blogs that many visitors will have.

SEO On-page

Seo Onpage is a technique or effort of the blog owner that is done in the blog itself, also follows the rules of SEO rules. Under this, I will describe what is needed in implementing this SEO Onpage technique.

1. Quality Articles

Is King's content anyone heard of those words? yep make useful articles for visitors, Google is so google is a search engine that intersects visitors and blogs so suppose visitors find articles that your friends make and visitors find what they are looking for and feel at home on a blog for a long time, then you can conclude the blog friend will be given a positive value from google. Google itself does not play games to find quality articles for visitors and presents them with good quality.

By applying this Topics SEO Onpage, Google can easily index articles that your friends have created and can also increase traffic so rapidly in your own blog and according to the desired target, which is having a blog that has a lot of traffic.

2. Title Contains Keyword

What do you mean by that, bro, let's say you made an article with the Fried RiceKeyword, then the title is How to Cook the Tastiest Fried Rice, the rice is added to the title that will be made later. By placing a Keyword in an interesting title, the impact of getting a lot of visitors and can also be easily recognized by Google's Search Engine.

3. Postings Contain Keywords

Don't just put keywords in the title just like at the beginning of every paragraph or end, of course, it is very good to have a lot of keywords that say putting keywords in the post has a good impact. Also, keep in mind that you don't also put too many keywords in a post that will appear to be considered spam by the Google Search Engine. 

4. Choosing SEO Friendly Templates

There are so many templates that contain SEO or implementing SEO Meta Tags in the templates that they make and pay for free, but I recommend buying premium templates and buying from the owner of the template

5. Blog Loading Speed

It is undeniable that the speed of loading a blog is also an SEO technique to increase traffic on a blog, many concluded I asked this to my friend, who read this article, are you friends with blogs/websites with slow loading? 80% will immediately close the blog or not, friend? well, therefore increasing blog loading speed is also very influential in the eyes of the Google search engine

Giving ALT Text to Pictures

Each post will be more beautiful by inserting in the article the image can also convince visitors of the contents of the blog so it is better to provide the ALT property to be easily recognized by Search Google Engine. 

7. Meta Tags

Give the SEO meta tags to your blog template if your blog has not been installed with SEO meta tags such as description, keywords and author to be easily recognized and crawled according to the keywords on your blog.

8. Internal Links Each Article

Are Internal Links Each Article Link articles that we make to other articles that are interrelated, of course, internal links are considered good where search engines are compared to external links that point to external blogs. Implementing this internal link can also reduce the blog's bounce rate. 

Offpage Seo: How To Do Blog/Website OffPage

Seo technique that is done outside of the blog that he created, in this technique that emphasizes backlinks from sites that are already large, many are also banned because it can be considered the following spam I describe a good way to optimize SEO off-page techniques below.

1. Planting Backlinks

Planting backlinks is a lot of ways including commenting and can also be a guest article on other blogs by embedding backlinks on these posts and the backlink will go to your blog or friend's posts, backlinks are also ways to increase the search engine ranking, Alexa, so plant that backlink very much needed in this SEO off-page technique.

2. Promoting Social Media Articles

This second method is mostly done by bloggers but does not know that promoting articles on social media is an SEO off-page technique but many say SEO is not important but still promoting articles on social media what haha. Promote your articles including Facebook, Google+, WhatsApp Grub, etc. so that you can also increase traffic on your blog. 
Well, that is what I also apply to my blog, this SEO technique is off-page. 

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